Custom Fitness Plans

If you need a fitness plan that’s designed to meet your individual goals, physical capabilities, and mental health needs, a custom plan might be right for you!

Plans can be six, eight, or twelve weeks long and include online meetings with Jess on a weekly or monthly basis.

  • Resistance bands and dumbbells are needed for home plans. Kettlebells are optional. Gym plans are also available.

  • Custom plans can be for beginners, intermediate, and advanced fitness levels.

  • The whole plan is created for your fitness and mental health needs. Exercises will be chosen based on a variety of factors. You will be able to work with me to adjust the exercises if needed.

  • Plans start at $99 a month. Payment plans and adjusted pricing are available to accommodate different financial situations.

  • Online sessions can be 35 minutes or 55 minutes.

Applications will be opening soon!

Interested in a custom fitness plan?

Please fill out the form on this page.